The Greener Grass

There are many unexpected results in recovery.  Some of the biggest surprises for me have been the rewards of a life focused more on giving and serving and less on getting and keeping.  Until AA taught me that service is the key to escaping the prison of self-centeredness, I was certain that relentless pursuit of my goals was the only way to achieve satisfaction.  Until I learned to have a “spirit of service” in all that I did, I was never happy with the status quo.  Looking back on my pre-sober life, I can see the wisdom in the Train song line “what we want is only what we want until it’s ours.”  Before, the grass was always greener with a different relationship, neighborhood, city, or job.  Now there is grass sprouting all around my feet and life growing in me and filling me up because I have learned some truth about lasting joy.  What used to be a slogan on a charity donation bucket is now a belief I hold firmly in my heart and mind.  It is when I give that I receive, grow and thrive.

Photo Courtesy of R.S.

28 thoughts on “The Greener Grass

  1. For you sweet ZUZU…..…….The ego seeks the destination; the soul seeks the journey!!! The lunar eclipse has totalled my wrist-so much energy and cold I’m off the charts in pain. Good nite all…..(hopefully I will drift off to sleep praying to St Francis….that same prayer-….It is when I give that I receive) happy trudging. xoxo

  2. Hope, love, comfort and health are quietly demonstrated in rather stark contrast to the picture which I describe of the hopelessly destitute and spiritually bankrupt man who with his head in his hands cried out into the universe to be heard by God’s almighty spirit, “I have to have peace”.
    It is the enduring message of recovery as the result of being in the sway of God and the auspices of Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Each one on these pages and in this world bring the continuous message of HOPE, LOVE, COMFORT AND HEALTH. 🙂

    I’m Harry, grateful alcoholic. – Georgia, USA.

  3. ” Looking back on my pre-sober life, ”
    I call those days . . . my ‘B S’ life . . .(before sobriety).
    I don’t want to “B S” anyone any more, including mySelf.
    Thank you , Zuzu, for your focus on giving and serving ‘Us’ on this24.

    I am so grateful for AA, and my local meetings,
    . . . .and esp. ‘OUR’ cyber meeting.
    I thank all our HiGHer PoWeR for your will and determination to
    pick up and “Go With It”, Zuzu, after online daily reflections ceased.
    I know that credits also go to others who have hepled get this24 up
    and running with ideas, pictures, etc. It;s gotta be Work,Work,Work.

    People who are sharing are ‘serving’ as well. And those who are
    ‘reading’ . . . “keep coming back.”
    I am telling friends and family that my heart is changing. . . .
    I really can feel this occurring. GrateFuL for AA. 🙂

    Have a HaPpY Thurs. Nov.29th EvErYOnE.

    Katharine Marie, alcoholic, FL panhandle

  4. Goodmorning. Just woke up at 5:40 am EST. Checked my phone for todays message. Great song and great video. Had a chance to be of service yesterday and though it was several small random acts of kindness to several people inside snd outside the fellowship, it felt very good. Nourishment for the soul. I know I must still continue to ask my higher power for more tolerance especially in the work place. I have very little tolerance for greed and workplace politcal power just for powers sake. But I must realize that this indignation on my part is self righteousnes. I must leave that up to G-D and just keep my side of the street clean and do the next right thing. Sis I pray that your wrist feels better. “The moon is a harsh mistress” but she was absolutely beautiful last night. Nae, I am certain your message last night was inspired by your higher power and was received well. My greetings and love to you all today. I must say this is my favorite meeting and feel I have come to know you all so well. Nina, where are you? Miss your shares. I know this is so cliche but have a great day.♡

    • Amen on the work stuff. I am having to swallow procedures and ideas that i know are not right. You hang in there and I will too. Much Love to You Tree.
      Yeah, where is Nina? Hey Nina, where ya at?

  5. I’m traveling on business this week in a state that sells Powerball lottery tickets. I’m disappointed to report that despite my $2 investment, I have yet again come up empty. This is good, for my sponsor has told me that should I win, he believes we could time my demise on a stopwatch.

    A favorite spiritual writer tells me that money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul. Apparently, though, it is very necessary to the various universities and establishments to which my kids go. Our literature tells me that I have a new Employer. My friend says I serve this new Employer best by serving my clients well. It’s the least I can do, for I am deeply in debt to my Employer and love, expressed through service, is His only currency.

    • Yepper, winning that much money would just add chaos and confusion to my life. It would be very difficult to handle that much money, I do however wonder how I would give it away!

    • Hey Jack, thats my brothers name. I also invested $2 in an office pool here at work on the Powerball in Fla. Yes, we are all here and gainfully employed still (we didn’t win). What would we do with all that money anyway. “Cant buy me love”. :-) (talk about as old as dirt) I can honestly say I am happy with my very modest lifestyle. Possesions can rule you. I cant ask for any more. Well, maybe a more reliable car. hehe 🙂

      • LOVE that song, Tree! It’s so true-and I’ve been both places- I am happy to report that the most happiness I experience is now, in my meager life. Although a nice ride(more dependable) would be appreciated. My jeep is so difficult to get in now with my disability. It’s high up-and it drives like a beast-I can feel every single BUMP, but it does get me from pt A to pt B!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Jack I am convinced my Higher Power will not let me win a large lottery pot.
      Well maybe when I am 971/2. He knows I probably could not handle it.
      But I can dream. LOL

  6. Hope love comfort and joy seem to be the end result in giving away what was given to me so freely. The rewards are plentiful and nearly indescribable in working this program. I remember another doctor whom we ,lost to this disease and my doctor who knew him well saying that he just couldn’t grasp the concept of joy. My friend Kenny’s back and I can tell he’s licking his wounds and hasn’t shared since he’s been back and that’s really good, I think for now. I do my best to show others that there’s hope no matter how smart, ignorant, manic or whatever they are. Hope gives a warm fuzzy spiritually connected feeling to the newcomer and ole comer. Man, woman, no matter how new or old we all need each other and there’s no replacement for this spiritual connection or lack thereof. I too am grateful I don;’t have to get donkey’d up to feel normal. I remember walking into the bar with a friend and we always made the he haw of a donkey before we started drinking. Today is just another day i will try to to be of use to my master and lord Jesus Christ. Just another really frickin awesome day without hurting others and maybe helping them, someone, someone other than me. I’m so very blessed to be able to go with my sponsor to Dawn Farms tomorrow and see my old sponsee Nicklaus. He used to be Nichole and is now a gay male and I love him no matter what. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, I’m just saying that I think we all need to feel loved and have lacked a healthy love when we came in. I mean I don;t know anyone who came in here on a winning note so how could we have had any healthy love in our lives. When we try to love and understand others when they come it gives them the warmest of all feelings. Our two basic needs are love and security and AA gives us both and teaches us how to love ourselves first, then others! I am already patient and tolerant if I just love them for who they are. I do believe in our two disciplinary s, great love and great suffering. How could I love God if I don;t love me, I am his creation and his handiwork and so are you all! This program, which is all of you, taught me this, so thank you! He speaks to me through all of you and if I look, everywhere! I am living in the lushest of grasses right here and I love it!

  7. Honesty, Hope and Faith are the foundation I try to build my program on. I have found that the more I have faith in someone the more love i seem to express. I need to allow my faith in my HP to expand itself to all with whom I come in contact with, that way the love comes naturally to all. The grass may be greener some where else, but this drunk needs to take care of his own greenery to the best of his ability. Prayers for all, SMB hope the wrist gets better, and Renee I hope last night was all he (God) expected. Have a wonderful day

  8. Hey All! Reporting back that the meeting was a SUCCESS and GOD SHOWED UP. There were 70+ people there and about 15 peole that I
    knew from other meetings. God was there, God took over, and I am GRATEFUL! The other cool thing that happened is GOD revealed another character defect for Renee’. Stuff at work really pissed me off yesterday. My guts tied in a knot, I could feel all the andreline pulsating through my stomach and body. I was angry and emotional. I had a hard time choking back tears in order to do my job, but I managed it. I realized that crying and getting emotional and wanting to run when I am facing BIG STUFF is a problem. I was able to recognize the fact that I wanted to leave right then, maybe not go to work the next day, and sign into the nursing program (new career). These ideas where all part of a pattern. FEAR. _F_______ Everything And Run! Luckily I could wrapped my mind around the fact that ….yes, work has some stupid stuff going on right now but that’s not the real issue today. Answer: I don’t have to be in control. I don’t need to use crying and getting all upset to avoid life. Bottomline, I was diverting my anxiety over having to speak last night into my work problems. Divert. Divert. Run. What a blessing to be able once again to see with “sober eyes” the wild ways of Renee’. I am so blessed that today I can see these patterns of the “grass is greener” . I am inspired by all of you and your wisdom, encouragement, and love. I also give credit once again for a spouse in recovery who sat and listened to me yesterday and allowed me the time to figure out my own pattern of bad behavior. Even just hours before the big talk. Thank you HP! Thank you for listening to me share and grow up. 🙂

    • Awesome stuff Nae!! Thank you for sharing how you realized the behavior and didn’t RUN! It SUCKS to have it right there infront of me sometimes-but you took the high road and used the circumstance to learn from……I’m told that’s what we’re supposed to do!! LOL…..I love the acronym for FEAR- Face Everything And Recover ♥ Like Tree said-it sounds cliche’- Oh Contraire’!!!! What a blessing sobriety is today. Wish I was there to hear your share. (((HUG)))

  9. Good Job Renee’! Sister Mary have someone put about 300 pounds of sand bagsin the back of the jeep. It will smoth out the ride and help with the handleing. So what were you doing dancing in the moon light?

    All I know about grass is that I have to weed, fertilize, water, and cut that damn stuff to keep it green and healthy. Come to think of it that sounds like a apt analogy of maintaining my fit spiritual condition. Hmmmm

  10. Here is a quote from Steve Jobs, (aka Apple Computers)
    “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path; and that will make all the difference.”

    it is in the seeking that i can find. i only know if i have done the work i need to by looking at the results i have today. i will keep trudging and hope to see on the road to happy destiny.

  11. Thanks All,

    I have always been involved in different kinds of service even before AA came to my life. The truth be told I still, deep down inside, carry the thousand forms of selfishness. Perhaps giving back was a payment for all the damage I created? Selfishness is the root of my disease! My mind will without my conscious effort always be looking for how any situation will benefit ME! Including service work. I have learned to accept this and as a first step at least try to recognize how I actually operate. This may be a human survival trait and in my life was reinforced starting with being an only child heavily reinforced with using and drinking starting at age 8. I will be celebrating 9 years on December 6, god willing, and that is a bid deal for me as it means I will have one year longer sobriety than I have had in my entire life!

    Service in AA was a huge reason I made it long enough to start to see the miracles. Now I have a few guys I work with and that feels like I might be a little lite on AA service. Man I am very selfish with my time.

    BTW I love the line in the ST Francis prayer, “where there is error I may bring truth” That is a window to positive action, AA doesn’t mean I just have to shut up when there is error taking place in front of my eyes, although often that selfishness will come up what is best for ME. Shut up keep my head down? Early on in AA the best I could do was STFU. More and more now I am near right sized, “we are neither cocky nor afraid”

    I am here almost every morning and rarely share, part on my morning meditation really. In meetings I often share so it is funny that I mostly prefer to just read. Possible it is my poor spelling and key hacking etc.

    peace and love

    Paul t in Oregon

  12. Yeah posted my whole name duh.

    And if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence you might want to water your own damn lawn!

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