The Other Eulogy

Hopefully by the time I die I will have lived a full and useful life.  I imagine that I would be remembered as a loving wife and mother, a dedicated professional, a friend of the community.  All the usual nice things that are said about people.  But there is another eulogy that I hope will remain in the hearts of my friends in AA.  I hope that I will remain sober the rest of my days, no matter what pain or sorrow or trouble finds me.  But I can only count on a single day at a time.  I hope I will remain willing to give of myself, to the Fellowship, to the Newcomer.  I hope that I will never imagine myself cured, superior or flawless.  I hope that I will never judge another’s behavior without understanding his circumstances.  Let my eulogy say that I kept learning until the end, learning about sobriety, about AA, about my own blind spots.  Let it be said that my laughter brought joy to others.  Let me live every day as the blueprint for when my days on Earth are done.

Photo Courtesy of Angi
Photo by Angi