Too Much-Not Enough

I have changed, and am still changing in many ways.  My emotions can still take me further up and down than I want to go, but the difference now is that I am aware of myself as someone capable of change, capable of growth and capable of understanding those very same emotional levels.  I can check myself. I have tools today.  I have the resources of the entire Program of Alcoholics Anonymous; I have a whole community of people who are experiencing similar changes, and I have a Higher Power, a God of my understanding.  All of these “essentials” are available to help me transition from being on a roller coaster to simply being on a path of gently rolling hills.  I also believe that if I have found some balance in my life, that the relationships I form will also have balance.  This is an ongoing process, and one that will continue for my lifetime.  I work towards practicing tolerance of others, and try to remain watchful of my expectations and motives.  Remaining true to myself is essential to this process, as I strive for balance in my recovery, and in my life.  

8 thoughts on “Too Much-Not Enough


    This slogan was on our wall.
    I was captivated by this idea even though I must admit I had very little comprehension even though I know now that it means a lot of different things to a lot of different people..
    When I bought a new car about seven years into my recovery I had a placard made to hang on my front bumper which constantly declared, “Easy Does It”.

    Just a little later on a beautiful Sunday morning a very good friend of mine in a little chitchat on the way into church saw it and asked me if I knew what it means?
    Not really, I replied.
    “It means take the action and leave the results up to God”, he said.
    Ever since then I have tried to do this.

    I’m Harry, grateful alcoholic and devoted twelve stepper.

  2. Change was not possible when I was an active alcoholic. Every morning started with fear and self loathing. Every evening ended in drunkenness. Change is constant in my life now. Slow and steady progress using the tools and resources of the program is changing me. Life changes, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, but always faced with acceptance.

  3. Good Monday morning On my way to an early morning meeting. Then on to job hunting. Please Please keep me in your prayers. Balance in life is so important. Thanks for the reminder.
    I also renember waking up with fear and loathing. Needing that first drink to stop the horrible pain physically, mentally and spiritually. Blessed day to all. Love Tree

    • Always praying for you tree. Hugs to you on your job search. Years ago, I made that my job, looking for a job. Went to meeting, then to Worknet (a division of Employment Development) where they let us use computers and had job fairs, and helped with resumes and job applications. They might have a place like that in your town. Keep up the good work!!!

      • Thanks Bonnie! Yes they have workforce 1. But as i have self admitted before that i lack discipline. And like Harry mentioned about Easy does it. Take action and let G-d do the rest. I was going through a pity party and getting depressed. I finally said enough is enough. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and show some gratitude for all that i do have. Sobriety being no 1. So today i started with an early morning meeting. Now at Toyota working on an air bag recall and using their wifi for job hunting. Then on to workforce.There are always opportunities you just have to look for them. Thanks for your commitment to this 24 it is part of my spiritual toolbox. Love to all. Tree

  4. Good morning Friends
    Peering within, past mind, past thought…becoming known unto ourselves, that we may know how deeply loved we are, that we may be truly alive…
    Praying to know the love all surrounding
    Praying for compassionate heart to grow
    Praying to heed the silent whisper’s nuanced stillness
    Grateful for the Gift

  5. Top of the morning family,
    Who changes?
    Whose goodness do I trust?
    Today, is a good day to align my ways / thinking to the One who created me.

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