Singleness Of Purpose

The people in our fellowship come together with a single purpose: the desire to remain sober. We are of various backgrounds and different races. Some of us are rich, while others have no money at all. We’re all so different, yet we share a common bond: we seek sobriety. Separately, the task is insurmountable, but together we are powerful in our quest. What one of us lacks in hope and strength we find by coming together within this fellowship. Each member offers a link connecting the other. Broken, the chain is useless. Together, the strength and beauty of each link is made even more powerful. We join together in a spiritual bond that transcends our differences. Before we joined the fellowship and chose a Higher Power, isolation made our task seem overwhelming. Now as we look around the room at smiling and caring faces, we can thank God that in our pain we have found such strength and the wisdom we need to stay sober one day at a time.