I am in control of what I do, I am in control of my own behavior. How I “handle” my life is in my hands, and the hands of my Higher Power, God. I cannot control others, I cannot control how they behave, how they react, or how they feel. I know this, I can trust this – the Program has taught me to look to myself not to others for the behaviors I want in my life. This is all true – it does not, however, make it any easier for me – when it comes to my feelings. But then I remind myself that feelings are just feelings and I can change my feelings by changing my behavior. Again, and again I learn this lesson.

What can I do? The Program teaches me that it is through action that I shall find solutions to problems. Action is the enemy of thought. That being said, I will keep putting one foot in front of the other today. I will endeavor to be of service to others, I will focus on what I can do, and not on what I can’t do. All throughout the day I will be “working” the Program, as we enjoy the outdoors with our grand daughter and family, and I will stay in close contact with my Higher Power. I will pray for understanding, I will pray for guidance and I will pray for the pain in my heart to ease. Let us ALSO keep one of us in prayer as tomorrow they will undergo 20hrs of a way help their longevity!! PRAYERS GO UP BUDDY!!! HANG IN THERE!!!