
Strong emotions such as love, anger, fear, and joy no longer dictate my behavior. Through the process of recovery I am learning to recognize and acknowledge these feelings. I work to understand what is causing these emotions, and to learn that just because I “feel” these emotions does not mean that I have to act on them. I can release my anger, deal with the issue causing the anger and accept my part in it. I can “turn it over” to my Higher Power, and pray for peace of mind. I have learned that fear is simply the absence of faith, and the bottom line is my Higher Power, is my protector, my ally, my friend and is stronger than any fear I feel. I can pray for faith, and rest assured that God is always present in my life. Joy and love come from others – and I am blessed to have many in my life who bless me with their love, and through that process I come to a place of peace and contentment. I have heard others say that if you don’t like the way you are feeling, just give it a moment, as feelings are constantly changing. Feel them and release them – if particular feelings keep returning to me, that tells me I have some “work” to do in this area. A closer look may be needed. A conversation with another member can help me to clarify any emotional confusion I may be experiencing. What do you to release FEAR from your life?

7 thoughts on “Emotions

  1. Thank the Lord for this day and for all that is in it.
    My times are in His hand.

    My soul rests with you, my Anamchara.

    Sometimes it seems I reach my deepest level of distress and seemingly the most persistent is in the middle of the night when I think I should be sleeping but I might be wrong about that and perhaps it is a designated time to commune with God.
    It certainly has it, a time of having a penetrating realization of God’s mercy for I found some time ago if I simply prayed, “Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy………………” I would awaken sometime later after peacefully sleeping for a while with a quick prayer, “Thank you Lord for your mercy”.
    At a little later time I received the direction that whatever was distressing me might benefit from prayer in the same context and I began praying that his mercy might be extended towards for it or for them.

    Some might call this killing two birds with one stone.

    Call it what you like, I have found that prayer works.

    And to cap that off, it’s beautiful spiritual experience!

    I’m Harry, grateful alcoholic and devoted 12th stepper.

  2. Yes, thank Lord for your mercy and all the challenges life has to offer today. May I be of some use to you today and your children!

  3. Since you asked.
    Breathe, slowly, deeply.
    Come right into the present, feeling my breath in my chest.
    Think of the sensation of the fear, (not the thing of which I am fearful).
    Focus on this sensation, deeply, feel it and acknowledge it.
    Then I bind with it, taking it into my heart space, deeply where God’s love resides.
    Then I burn up the sensation with the fierce fire of His all consuming love, converting the resulting energy to His use; then I can confront that of which I am afraid.
    On a good day.
    Grateful for the gift.

  4. Top of the morning family,
    Each of us will get hurt at some point in our lives. But we have to decide how we’re going to handle our feelers. It’s not what happens to us, but what happens inside of us. Today, I’m learning that each day is a perpetual struggle against the person in the mirror.
    – What’s my motivation?
    – What is influencing my thinking/feelers?
    – Am I violating my spiritual core competencies?
    – Who receives the credit and glory?
    And if all else fails, I’ll use the Seinfeld conflict resolution battle rhythm; if the majority of all my decisions/instincts are wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.
    My ol’crusty gritty platoon sergeant motto: courage is hanging onto fear one minute longer.

    It’s a good day to have a good day.

  5. I pray that I may constantly prepare myself for better things to come. I pray that I may only have opportunities when I am ready for them

    My sponsor mentioned to me that our past. Is something that we can grow from by sharing with others, of course in an appropriate time and with prayer for thy will. That our worst times can help us grow in recovery.as I reflect on that in the reading and experience I think that to be true.

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