Steps To An Amends

Step Nine is about making amends, and it teaches me many things.  For one thing, I do not have to hold on to those old behaviors that make me feel so bad about myself.  I can and have apologized for them – but the true measure of my amends is my willingness to change the behavior, not just mouth the words of regret.  Step Nine further teaches me about humility, that I am a fallible human being who can and does mess up from time to time.  I have learned to forgive myself and that behavioral changes can happen . . . even for me.  I am capable of change, both great and small.  Saying “I’m sorry” may be enough amends in some situations, but in other situations further changes are needed.  In each circumstance I try to find those feelings of comfort within myself.  My body/mind seems to know when “enough is enough” when it comes to making amends to others, my job is to just “listen.”

Tomorrow I head home after 3 days of training. I am blessed beyond words.


10 thoughts on “Steps To An Amends

  1. Definition
    By Mayo Clinic Staff

    Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

    A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you’re not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.

    Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk therapy (psychotherapy).

    • Woop Woop Woopie to another wonderful sober day. I know I’m blessed, somedays with hardships others with triumphs. Today I pray is just another rather ordinary day. May i take the time to see the wonder and awe of it all and share it!

      • I’ll second that!
        You and me both, brother.
        Sounds like a great approach to a great day.
        Just a wee thought I found helpful on the Ninth Step; I am making an amends
        but I’m not specifically asking for forgiveness from those I have harmed. I have already forgiven them for their part in the matter in getting rid of any resentment around the issue. So I empathise with them, apologise, make restitution as appropriate and then seek forgiveness from my HP. Just my experience.
        Grateful for the Day

  2. Words r not enough to express my gratitude. Thank you Bonnie for an early morning walk through the steps. I see the changes in me. Changes I never thought possible. But careful, I am not responsible for changes in others. . That is none of my business. And I can no longer say sorry to my son. And there is no try, just do.
    Affirmation for the day:” Delivered from myself, I’m now free to give myself to others”

  3. It’s no wonder that this program of recovery known as the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous works but of course the great mystery is its apparent failure rate estimated by some to be 90 percent but the argument is we don’t know what happens to the supposed 90 percent who continue on their way otherwise and we don’t know the effects of seeds planted nor how many of them come to fruition are known to us.
    It’s no wonder that this program which sets high ideals and offers necessary support for attainment works for we who consider ourselves blessed individuals who have found peace and serenity’s beyond our previous limited comprehension and who attempt one day at a time to help others

    Is it any wonder that we see God’s blessings all the time?
    . 🙂
    It’s no wonder! 🙂

  4. Congratulations on finishing training and on recognizing your blessings. I need to look for where I have been blessed in my life. Gratitude is important for me to change and grow.
    Step 9 is also about change and growth.

  5. I’ve made plenty of amends verbal and financial, but when it came to those closest to me, I had worn out “I’m Sorry”. They had already established I was one “Sorry M.F.”
    Those amends had to be lived out over a period of years before I was able to
    show I was truly repentant and ask for any forgiveness or make amends. Only then they assured me that I’d been forgiven long ago in most cases. Some amends simply cannot be accepted or relationships restored. I can only continue to live the principles of the 12 steps.
    Glad you made it Bonnie!

  6. Glad your training went well.
    Glad to see all of the responses.
    Grateful for sponsees, shares on this website and mother earth.

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